Private Organizations
Monday – Friday:
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday/Sunday/Holiday: Closed
Address Information
Bldg. 316, Rm. 157
Mailing Address:
Unit 5119, Bldg. 316
APO AP 96328-5119
View Address
Private Organization Coordinator
DSN: 225.8625
What is a Private Organization?
Private Organizations are self-sustaining, special interest groups set up by people acting exclusively outside the scope of any official capacity as officers, employees or agents of the federal government. They operate on Air Force installations with the written consent of the installation Commander. (AFI 34-223 Section A.1.)
Private Organizations are not Federal entities and are not to be treated as such. Accordingly, they are not NAF instrumentalities (NAFIs) as defined in AFI 34-201, Use of Nonappropriated Funds, nor are they entitled to the sovereign immunities and privileges given to NAFIs or the Air Force. (AFI 34-223 Section A.1. 1.1)
Unofficial activities/organizations are small groups that are not required to be formally established as Private Organization because their current assets (including cash, investments, inventory and receivables) do not exceed a monthly average of $1,000 over a three month period. (AFI 34-223 Section 2. 2.2.)
Examples of a Private Organization are:
- Squadron Booster Clubs
- Unit Advisory Committees
- Spouse Clubs
- Special Interest Groups
Required Documents Suspense Checklist
- Constitution and Bylaws – revalidated every 2 years
- Budget Proposal – submit yearly
- Liability Insurance Waiver – submit yearly
- Officer Roster – resubmit when there is change
- Transfer of Treasurer Audit – conduct and submit when there is Treasurer turnover
- Financial and Banking Statements – due 20 days after each quarter ends
- Meeting Minutes – submit after each meeting is held
Base Fund Raising
All fundraisers held on base by a Private Organization or unofficial activity must be approved through the NAF Resource Management Office, Private Organization Coordinator.