Family Child Care (FCC)
A Family Child Care (FCC) home is a base home approved by the Mission Support Group commander to provide child care services to military families and civilians.
Monday – Friday:
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, Fam: Closed
Bldg. 3015
DSN: 225.8810
Commercial From U.S.:
Yokota AB is actively recruiting passionate providers who serve Air Force families as a Family Child Care provider.
Make over $1800 a week
Work full-time or part-time
Be paid for watching your own children
Holiday Pay Incentive
Free Training
Extra $$ for Accreditation
To Get Started Contact Ashleigh Stafford
The care offered by Yokota licensed FCC providers is based on current knowledge of child development and early childhood education.
Providers offer a nurturing home environment that supports each child’s development in a family setting within the Yokota community.
Become A Child Care Provider
If you enjoy children, would like to stay home with your young children or would like extra income for your family, then consider becoming a Family Child Care provider.
At Home Care Options:
- Full-Time
- Part-Time
- Hourly/Drop-In
- Before & After School
- Weekend
- Overnight
- Children With Special Needs
- Care for Shift Workers With Children Two Weeks to 12 Years Old
- PCS Care for all Military Branches
- Expanded Child Care
- Subsidy Care
- Extended Duty Care
- Deployment Care
- Remote Care
- FCC Provider Orientation Child Care
- Emergency Medical Care
- Wounded Warrior Care
- Child Care Support for Fallen Wounded Warriors
The Family Child Care providers must follow stringent guidelines and can expect to undergo an unscheduled inspection at least once a month.
Additional Information on Child Care Providers
What to look for when interviewing a child care provider:
Providers and their homes are different and unique just as families are. Please arrange an interview with a potential FCC provider to assure compatibility. The FCC provider you select will play an important role in your child’s life. Most of your child’s waking hours will be spent with that provider. The provider will guide, teach and nurture your child.
Items to check for and questions to ask when interviewing a potential provider:
- Is the home kept clean?
- Is there room for children to play indoors and outdoors?
- Is there a place for naps?
- Is the home free of safety hazards?
- Does the provider seem to know a lot about child development and child care?
- Does the provider seem to truly like children and are they patient with the children?
- What training has the provider had?
The FCC provider sets fees. Prior to starting care, families must…
- Complete a written contract regarding fees and policies.
- Provide proof of immunizations.
Some other points to remember once you find care:
- Visit your FCC home anytime during the day. Check to see what kind of care is being provided.
- Discuss your goals and the provider’s goals for your child and work together to accomplish those goals.
- Keep the provider informed about the health of your child. If your child is ill and will not be going to the FCC home, notify the provider as soon as possible.
- Pay for fees on time; the provider deserves your consideration.
- Be thoughtful and considerate of your provider. Drop off and pick up your child on time, or call if you are delayed.
FCC Subsidy Program
Offers full time care in a licensed FCC home at the same fees as the Child Development Center or School Age Program. Weekly fees are determined by total family income.
Extended Duty Care (EDC)
The EDC Program is designed to assist families when weekly parental workloads due to extended duty hours exceed the normal operating hours of the facility where they are already purchasing full-time care. Examples: mission related duty, extended duty days, temporary shift change (not to exceed three working days), rapid mobilization, dual military single parent deployment until alternate child care is arranged, Federal holidays, installation wide down days when Air Force Child & Youth Programs are closed and parents are required to work and mandatory PT.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Member of the Military Service Active Duty, Reserve/Guard Member in Activated Status or DoD Civilian
- Assigned to or Working on the Installation
- Must be Scheduled to Work (Work Must Directly Impact the Mission)
- No Other Adult in the Household Available to Provide Care
- Must be Purchasing Full-Time Care
- Completed AF FCC ECC Request
PCS Care
Twenty hours of FREE care for your children by a licensed provider as you prepare to depart or arrive. Open to all ranks.
Child care certificates are required and can be obtained through the Airman & Family Readiness Center.
For more information, call 225.8725.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Member of the Military Service
- Active Duty Member Retiring
- Copy of PCS Orders or Transition Assistance Program Registration
PCS Child Care for Other Military Branches
PCS Child Care for Army, Navy, and Marines assigned to Air Force led installations and all services. Transition Assistance Child Care (PCSCC)
The PCSCC program is designed to help relieve some of the stress felt by families in the process of a PCS move or transitioning from the military. Army, Navy, and Marine families assigned to, living on or working on an Air Force led installation are eligible for both the PCS and Transition Assistance.
Army, Navy, and Marine families PCSing are eligible for 20 hours of child care per child at both the departing and inbound installations. These families may use the child care 60 days before the family’s departure and 60 days upon arriving at the new installation.
Transitioning families are eligible for child care based on scheduled appointments or transition classes.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Member of the Military Service
- Active Duty
- Active Duty Member Retiring
- Copy of PCS Orders or Transition Assistance Program Registration
- Completed AF FCC ECC Request
- Call 225.8810 for more information.
Emergency Child Care
The EMC Program is designed to assist families experiencing a medical situation with an immediate family member.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Member of the Military Service
- Active Duty or Reserve/Guard Member in Activated Status
- Assigned to or Working on the Installation
- No Other Adult in the Household Available to Provide Care
- Medical Statement for Immediate Family Member
- Completed AF FCC ECC Request
Deployment Child Care Support
Deployment Child Care Support for military members including pre-deployment, deployment and returning home. includes FREE 16 hours of care per child. Child care certificates are required and can be obtained through the Airman & Family Readiness Center.
There are three types of child care to support deployments:
- Pre-Deployment Child Care (PDCC)
- Deployment Child Care (DCC)
- Returning Home Care (RHC)
- Each of these programs, provides 16 hours of child care per child.
For more information, call 225.8725.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Member of the Military Service
- Active Duty or Reserve/Guard Member in Activated Status
- Assigned to or Working on the Installation
- Deployed in Support of a Contingency Operation
- Deployed for a Minimum of 30 Calendar Days or Personnel Who Routinely Deploy on a Short
- Term Basis (Cumulative of 30 Days on a Six Months Period)
- Copy of Deployment Orders
- Completed AF FCC ECC Request
Child Care Support for Fallen Warriors (BC)
The BC Program is designed to assist families with civilian and military appointments to deal with a fallen warrior.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Fallen Warrior was a Member of the Military Service
- Fallen Warrior was an Active Duty or Reserve/Guard Member in Activated Status
- No Other Adult in the Household Available to Provide Care
- Completed AF FCC ECC Request
Wounded Warrior Care (WWC)
The WWC program is designed to assist families when the wounded warrior has medical and/or military appointments.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Member of the Military Service with a Wounded Warrior Status
- Active Duty or Reserve/Guard Member in Activated Status
- Retiree
- No Other Adult in the Household Available to Provide Care
- Completed AF FCC ECC Request
FCC 24/7 Child Care
The FCC 24/7 Child Care Program is designed to assist families when their work schedules are outside the normal operating hours of the facility where they are already purchasing full time care. This program is specifically designed to support shift workers and any personnel required to work overnights, holidays or weekends.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Member of the Military Service
- Active Duty, Reserve/Guard Member in Activated Stays or DoD Civilian
- Assigned to or Working on the Installation
- Must be Scheduled to Work (Work Must Directly Impact the Mission)
- No Other Adult in the Household Available to Provide Care
- Must be purchasing full-time care
- Copy of Schedule
- Completed AF FCC ECC Request