Military Personnel Flight
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Closed: 3rd Thursday of the Month for Training/Weekends/Holidays/Family Days/Exercises
DEERS/ID Card services: Walk-ins are accepted all day, but appointments have priority from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Our services may also be slower during lunch hours (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM).
View Hours
Bldg. 316 Rm. 121
On 17 February 2023, the Under Secretary of Defense announced the immediate termination of the DoD Civilian Retiree Card. Previously issued ID Cards remain valid through 31 August 2023, and will not be reissued. There will be no change to use of MWR activities under the control of Yokota AB, but DoD Civilian Retirees will need to have an appropriate ID registered for access to the installation. DoD Civilian Retirees can use a CAC, DBIDS card, or REAL ID registered at the Yokota Pass & Registration Office (Building 993). When registering a REAL ID, Retirees must show proof of official retirement (i.e., SF-50, SF-245). Hours available for registration are 0830-1500 (Monday-Friday), excluding holidays and family days. Call DSN 225-8333 if you have further questions. If calling from off-base, dial 042-552-2510. After the tone, enter the last five digits of the DSN telephone number (58333).
The MPF is available 24/7 through the MPF Self-Service Portal:
If you require assistance, please contact us by emailing the appropriate org box (listed below) and allow up to three duty days for an email response. If you need to follow-up on your inquiry, please submit a ticket via the virtual MPF Help Desk: https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/yokota/374AW/374MSG/374FSS/FSP/SitePages/MPF-Help-Desk.aspx (AFNET access & CAC authentication required). If you cannot access this site, please follow-up by emailing us at 374FSS/FSP.Flight@us.af.mil.
CUSTOMER SUPPORT 374FSS.FSPS.CustomerSupport@us.af.mil
CAREER DEVELOPMENT 374FSS.FSPD.CareerDevelopment@us.af.mil
FORCE MANAGEMENT 374FSS.FSPM.ForceManagement@us.af.mil
PSM 374FSS.FSPJ.PersonnelSystems@us.af.mil
* Tourist Passports are no longer processed by our office. Please visit https://jp.usembassy.gov/passports/ for more information for how to obtain and renew passports.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the difference between passports (no-fee vs fee)?
No-Fee Passport (Black Diplomatic, Maroon Official, Blue No-Fee)
Maroon Passport: Official travel (PCS, TAD/TDY, Exercise, and Deployments) is appropriate. Maximum five years validity. Endorsement on page 26-27 or page 3 on the next generation passport.
Black Diplomatic: Only used for embassy/ diplomatic duties specified in reporting instructions.
Blue No-Fee: A five year special issuance passport, issued to family members when their sponsor is NOT issued an official passport. Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG) is the source document for issuance.
Fee Passport (Blue)
Blue Fee Passport: Personal and leisure travel. Leave in conjunction with official travel. Full validity passports are 5 years for minor and 10 years or adult.
Command Sponsorship Program
Q: What is CSP?
A: The intent of the Command sponsorship program is allow Airmen to bring their dependents with them to their assigned duty location thus serving an accompanied tour. Command sponsorship is provided with approval of the overseas installation commander, ABG/CC at non-AF led joint bases, or designated representative for dependents to reside with their Airman at an overseas duty station. Under command sponsorship, dependents are authorized to receive Tricare and other on base amenities. It will also provide transportation of family and HHG when members PCS to their next location.
Q: What are the steps for applying for Command Sponsorship?
A: All documentation for applying for command sponsorship is located on the MPF SharePoint site and is only accessible to authorized members (i.e. CAC holders). The site has all the forms required for submission and details how to compile the documents needed.
DEROS Management
Q: What is a DEROS?
A: DEROS stands for “Date Eligible for Return from overseas”. DEROS is treated just as a commitment. All members are required to PCS & depart during their DEROS month. DEROS is counted by a monthly basis. Departure date can be from the 1st to the 31st of the DEROS month as long as a flight is available (if flight is not available during DEROS month, DEROS needs to be adjusted). DEROS should not expire.
Q: Why is it important to be informed on your DEROS?
A: It is important to be informed on and cautious about your DEROS because based on your DEROS, an enlisted member’s assignment listings are released. If a member misses their assignment window, they may lose the opportunity to apply for assignments that are preferred. Once the assignment is loaded, out-processing in timely manner and departing during the assigned DEROS month is mandatory. Please note that failure to submit appropriate DEROS paperwork will result in your DEROS being extended to match your DOS.
For officers, a DEROS will determine which assignment cycle is to be followed. A DEROS that is between 1 October and 31 May will be considered in the Winter Cycle whereas a DEROS that is between 1 June and 30 September will be considered in the Summer Cycle. However, please note that certain AFSCs have their own assignment cycles outside of these; please refer to Talent Marketplace to view more information. Additionally, timelines for when to answer intent questions and submit preferences are dependent on the assignment cycle; please reference the Air Force Officer Assignment System (AFOAS) found on Talent Marketplace.
Q: What is COT LEAVE?
A: Consecutive Overseas Tour leave (COT). This is an entitlement received when an Airman serves consecutive overseas tours. The entitlement consists of government covered airfare to your home of record (HOR). You may travel on your COT entitlement to another location other than your HOR, however, the entitlement will only cover the costs of airfare to your HOR.
NOTE: Your Commander Support Staff will be the POC that processes your COT leave, which is chargeable and will deduct from your overall leave balance.
Q: I missed my DEROS option cycle. Can I request DEROS extension after the DEROS option window has passed?
A: The DEROS option cycle was the time that you were supposed to request DEROS extension, if you wanted to request a DEROS extension, IPCOT, or any of the options mentioned on your DEROS opt rip. If you missed your DEROS option cycle by a reason that was not under your control, you can request your option of choice by specifically explaining the justification that caused the situation. If you have mission necessity or severe personal hardship greater than other airmen (not happening to other airmen), you can also attempt to submit an ETP DEROS extension request as out of cycle.
Q: There are officers who have not received their DEROS option rips, how come?
A: DEROS option rips are only generated for enlisted members who are SMSgt and below. An officer’s DEROS is worked through their Officer Assignment Team and Functional, which may occur when the member is on the Vulnerable Mover’s List (VML).
Q: What is the maximum amount of time a member can stay at one overseas location?
A: Each enlisted member can stay at one PACAF location for eight years maximum.
Q: I recently got married to another military member. I would like to curtail my DEROS to match to my spouse. How can I make this request?
A: A DEROS extension is required for members to match their spouse’s DEROS. A curtailment to your DEROS to match your spouse’s does not occur in most cases unless the spouse is unable to extend his/ her DEROS to match to yours.
Q: Who is the DEROS curtailment approval authority?
A: AFI 36-2110, Table 7.8 provides the list of approval authority. Reasons not identified in the list requires concurrence from the Installation Commander. However, Group Commanders are the approving authority for pregnancy-related or medical reasons.
Q: What is ERD?
A: ERD stands for “Early Return of Dependents”. This program is to relocate dependents to designated locations earlier than when the sponsor’s tour is set to end. The ERD program provides airfare and HHG shipment at the government’s expense. ERD is used for hardship (i.e. family, marital, or financial issues) and the package requires supporting documentation. If member is projected for PCS/Separation/Retirement, ERD process will immediately stop IAW AFI 36-2110 and Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) guide.
Q: What is the ERD process?
1. Member consults with their first sergeant.
2. Requests MPF ERD templates.
3. The member prints out, makes ERD package, and obtains endorsement from unit commander.
4. The member drops off the package at the legal office for review.
5. Legal office routes the package to MPF.
6. MPF reviews the package and routes up to MSG Commander.
7. With MSG Commander approval the MPF will generate the ERD order.
Q: What is DRO? How does that impact entitlements/pay?
A: DRO stands for “Dependents Remaining Overseas”. This program is for members who received a short-tour assignment or dependents restricted tour. If dependents are remaining overseas during the short tour, DRO enables the member to keep receiving COLA. However, it is important to remember that DRO itself does not provide the status to remain in Japan. Only dependents who are local national, have a VISA to stay, or have their own SOFA status can remain in the country during the short tour.
Q: What do I need to obtain an ID card?
- Active Duty
- 2 Forms of valid ID1
- Dependents of Active Duty
- DD Form 1172 signed by sponsor3
- 2 Forms of valid ID1 (dependents below 18 years old do not need any ID documentation)
- DoD Civilians and their dependents2
- DD Form 1172 signed by HR Office
- 2 Forms of valid ID1
- Contractors and their dependents2
- Letter of Authorization (LOA) from SPOT system (and DD 1172 signed by sponsor3 for dependents)
- 2 Forms of valid ID1
- Retirees/Disabled Veteran and their dependents2
- DD Form 1172 signed by sponsor3
- 2 Forms of valid ID1
- Lost/Stolen/Damaged/Destroyed CAC?
- Memo from first sergeant (and DD 1172 signed by sponsor3 for dependents)
If possible, 2 forms of ID1
- Memo from first sergeant (and DD 1172 signed by sponsor3 for dependents)
- For a list of acceptable Identification documents, click here. All IDs must be original or certified true copy. Notice: Line badges are not acceptable DBIDS card/passes are also not acceptable
- Dependents must already be enrolled in DEERS. If not enrolled, click here for a Pre-Arrival Checklist
- Wet signature on DD Form 1172: must be done in front of an authorizing/verifying official. If not, it will need to be notarized. For digital signatures, this must be accomplished via ID Card Office Online. Click here for a guide.
- For Active Duty and contractor dependents, if sponsor is present during the ID Cards visit, DD Form 1172 will be generated by the ID Cards technician. You do not need to bring your own DD Form 1172.
Dear Customer,
If you emailed us and need to follow-up on your inquiry, please submit a ticket via the virtual MPF Help Desk: https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/yokota/374AW/374MSG/374FSS/FSP/SitePages/MPF-Help-Desk.aspx (AFNET access & CAC authentication required). If you cannot access this site, please email us at 374FSS.FSP.Flight@us.af.mil.
If you would like to provide feedback about your experience, please complete the following survey: https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/yokota/374AW/374MSG/374FSS/FSP/SitePages/Customer-Feedback.aspx (AFNET access & CAC authentication required). If you cannot access the survey link, or you would like to provide anonymous feedback, please submit an ICE comment: https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=121046&s=97&dep=%2aDoD
Thank you!
MPF Management